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Public/Non Members (25)
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1965 johnson 40hp electric shift part out
Parting out a 1965 johnson 40hp with electric shift, contact for parts
Total views: 27
Total views: 27
1956 Johnson Javelin
1956 Javelin 30hp Johnson outboard with title (69 years old) . . Electric start . . Motor shift controls .…
Total views: 37
Total views: 37
Boat Dolly
I have this boat dolly for sale, used only one time. Large composite wheels making for ease of movement. Bow…
Total views: 43
Total views: 43
4 Motor Display Stand
This is a well made display stand for up to 4 cylinder motors but taking minimal floor space. It has…
Total views: 44
Total views: 44
Exhaust Manifold for 2 Cylinder Mercury Outbiards
This manifold will allow most 2 cylinder 15 & 20 c.i. to allow exhaust gases to exit unimpaired & with…
Total views: 63
Total views: 63
Phelon Stator for Mercury Outboard Motirs
Phelon Stator For 2cylinder Mercury Outboard Motors This stator has nos condensers, new Packard 440 wire, new sparkies, lapped Phelon…
Total views: 61
Total views: 61
Hydroplane with 10 Hp. Merc
I saw a ad on this site that is now gone, it was for a hydroplane with 10 hp merc…
Total views: 48
Total views: 48
Test Tank For Sale
I have a heavy duty blue plastic test tank made from a 55 gallon container. It has wood on the…
Total views: 45
Total views: 45
Vintage 1970's Wankel 10hp outboard motor excellent working condition
1970's Wankel running engine , all original and complete , with remote shifting and throttle cable attachments on engine ,…
Total views: 55
Total views: 55
Gale Buccaneer 25 hp
Teal color. Runs. Local St. Louis only. Best offer. I have inherited this Buccaneer motor and a vintage Muncie Neptune…
Total views: 79
Total views: 79