South Florida Gator Chapter

Lake June Meet

Lake June - H. L. Bishop Park 152 Lake June Road, Florida Lake Placid, Lake Placid, FL, United States

This is a Judgest WET Meet. (standard Judging Categories) 50/50 Raffle plus Door prizes!!! Don"t miss it! LUNCH: Provided for a $5.00 donation. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, salads, etc. From either Nor or South mon US 27 in Lake Placid turn WEST on to County Road 621 (Lake June Rd. - Citgo Station at the […]

Indiantown Meet

Timers Powers Park 14100 SW Citrus Blvd., Indiantown, FL, United States

Meet Theme: Motors of the 1920"s Launch 'em & Run 'em - Join the Fun. Brings chairs - Limited Seating. Judged Wet Meet (Judging in all categories). Back Again! Silent Auction of Motors, Parts & Accessories. Bring items to Auction. 80% to club member - 20% to the club treasury. Launch ramp and floating docks […]

La Belle/Ft. Myers Area Meet

Bob Mason Park Launch Ramp 497 Co Rd 78, LaBelle, FL, United States

On the River !!! Theme: Motors from the 1930's Launch 'em and Run 'em. Boat Ramp and Area for displays and Demos. Last Formal Meet of Spring 2019. This is a JUDGED Meet! Lunch Served $5.00 donation. Limited Seating - Bring Chairs. From Highway 80 (east or west) turn north onto Bridge street, go up […]

LaBelle/Ft. Myers Area Meet First Meet 2019 – 2020 Season

Bob Mason Park Launch Ramp 497 Co Rd 78, LaBelle, FL, United States

Theme: Mercury Outboards Launch 'em and Run 'em. Boat Ramp and area for Displays and Demos. Lunch Served $5.00 Donation. Limited seating - bring chairs This is a JUDGED meet. 2020 DUE ARE NOW PAYABLE From Highway 80 (east or west) turn north onto Bridge St. go up and over the river. Take the lst […]

Lake June Joint Chapter December Meet

H.L Bishop Park 152 Lake June Road Lake Placid Area, Florida, Lake Placid, Florida, United States

This is a Judges WET Meet. (Standard Judging Categories) 50/50 Raffle plus Door prizes!!! Don't miss it! LUNCH: Provided for a $5.00 donation Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, salads, etc. Holiday Boat Parade Best decorated boat wins a Prize! This is also a JOINT MEET and we welcome members of the Florida Chapter Theme: " Motors […]