Wolverine Chapter

Wolverine Chapter Traverse City Dry Meet

Medalie Park 1846 W. South Airport Road, Traverse City, MI, United States

Northern Michigan’s only AOMCI meet, in scenic Traverse City. A great place to talk old outboards and see the Great Lakes premier vacation destination. Medalie Park, located on Boardman Lake, is locally known as Logan’s Landing. Pizza and pop will be ordered for lunch with a $6.00 donation. There will be a peoples' choice formal […]

Wolverine Chapter Charlton Park Wet Meet

Charleton Park 2545 S. Charlton Park Road, Hastings, MI, United States

• Another action-packed wet meet in beautiful Charlton Park on Thornapple Lake. • People’s Choice show motor competition; no limit on number of motor entries per person. • All People’s Choice participants will give a 2-minute max presentation for each motor entered. • Flea market in the parking lot area. • Water events: Open pleasure […]

Coopersville Farm Museum

Coopersville Farm and Museum 375 Main St, Coopersville, MI, United States

The meet is located inside the Coopersville Farm Museum. The parking lot is spacious and adjacent to the building. Meet Type: Dry Display Formal Contacts:  Bill Shattuck, wgshattu@gmail.com, 616-51--8673

Traverse City Meet

Killingsworth Park 2807 Chandler Rd., Traverse City, MI, United States

$5 donation for lunch Contacts:  Ken Robinson, fullgarages@chartermi.com, 231-929-9544 Kent Van Emst, vanemst@localnet.com, 231-386-7834 Meet Type: Dry Swap Display

Spring Lake Boat Show

Millpoint 612 W. Savidge St., Spring Lake, MI, United States

This meet is held in conjunction with the Spring Lake Antique and Classic Boat Show which has free admission to the public. Food is available for purchase at the park or nearby. Contacts:   Bill Shattuck wgshattu@gmail.com 616-510-8673 Meet Type: Wet Swap Display  

Charlton Park Meet

Charleton Park 2545 S. Charlton Park Road, Hastings, MI, United States

Lunch will be a pot luck Contacts:  Bill Shattuck wgshattu@gmail.com 616-510-8673 Meet Type: Wet Swap Display

Bear Lake Horton Park Meet

Horton Park 1405 Glenwood Ave., Muskegon, MI, United States

Horton Park on Bear Lake Bring a chair and your own lunch. There is a Pavilion that is first come, first serve so if you have a pop up canopy, it would be wise to bring it as there is very little shade. Contacts:  Jim Brizzolara jimbrizzolara@comcast.net 616-364-9258   Meet Type: Wet Swap Display

Killingsworth Park fall meet

Killingsworth Park 2807 Chandler Rd., Traverse City, MI, United States

The meet is located at Killingsworth Park near Traverse City Bring your own lunch and beverages. There is a pizza place a mile or two away. Bring your own chairs and motor stands plus motors and parts for sale. Contacts:  Ken Robinson, fullgarages@charter.com, 231-929-9544 Kent VanEmst, vanemst@localnet.com, 231-386-7834 Meet Type: Dry Swap Display

Bathrick Marine

Bathrick Marine 500 W. Broadway Ave, Muskegon Heights, MI, United States

This meet is held indoors at the Bathrick Marine facility. Food will be provided for a $6.00 donation. Contacts:   Bill Shattuck wgshattu@gmail.com 616-510-8673 Meet Type: Dry Swap Display

Frank James Memorial Meet

Frank James Residence 45721 70th St., Hartford, MI, United States

Frank James was a long time Wolverine Chapter member who passed away in 2022. This indoor meet is being hosted by Frank's son Andy. Food will be provided. The purpose of this meet is to help find new caretakers for Frank's boating related items. The items will be displayed along with a bid sheet for […]

Sam Vance Foundation Fundraiser Meet

Sam Vance Event 13950 South Wabigama Drive Rapid City, Michigan 49676, Rapid City, MI, United States

The purpose of this meet is to provide initial funding for the 'Sam Vance III AOMCI Club Perpetuation Foundation' by passing ownership of all Sam Vance Estate boating related assets to fellow AOMCI members in exchange for donations to the foundation. As such, there will be no motor displays or events as part of the […]

Traverse City Meet

Killingsworth Park 2807 Chandler Rd., Traverse City, MI, United States

The meet is held at Killingsworth Park located at 2807 Chandler Rd in Traverse City Michigan Bring your own chairs. No lunch will be available at the park but there is a restaurant and a store within 1/4 mile. Meet Type: Dry Swap Display Contacts:  en Robinson fullgarages@chartermi.com 231-929-9544 Kent VanEmst vanemst@localnet.com 231-386-7834

Spring Lake Antique and Classic Boat Show

Spring Lake Millpoint Park 612 W. Savidge St, Spring Lake, MI, United States

Millpoint Park in Spring Lake Village is located along the Grand River. Mill Point Park has a public launch ramp and bathrooms. The meet is held as part of an antique boat show that itself is an event during the Spring Lake Heritage Festival. Food is available at the park or nearby restaurants. This event […]

Felix’s Place Meet

Felix's Place 14023 Green St, Grand Haven, MI, United States

The commercial property owned by the estate of Felix Pytlinske is located about 5 miles east of Grand Haven along the Grand River The meet will be held at what once was Felix's Marina. There is a pit toilet at the site and plenty of buildings for us to set up in should the weather […]

Charlton Park Meet

Charleton Park 2545 S. Charlton Park Road, Hastings, MI, United States

The meet is located in historic Charlton Park on the shore of Thornapple Lake. There is a picnic shelter and port-a-potty at the site. Lunch will be a pot luck. Meet Type: Dry Swap Display Contacts:  Leo and Charlene Hamp 260-998-8081 charlene112756@gmail.com

Bathrick Marine Meet

Bathrick Marine 500 W. Broadway Ave, Muskegon Heights, MI, United States

This meet is held in the showroom of Bathrick's Marine The meet is held indoors in a heated showroom. There is an indoor bathroom. A 'how slow can you go' contest will be held. Food will be provided for a small donation. Meet Type: Dry Swap Display Contacts: Bill Shattuck 616-510-8673 wgshattu@gmail.com

Charlton Park Meet

Charleton Park 2545 S. Charlton Park Road, Hastings, MI, United States

The meet is held at Charlton Park There is a boat ramp at the park but the shoreline at our meet location is not well suited for mooring. There is a port-a-potty nearby and we have a pavilion reserved for our group. Bring your own chairs. There will be a barrel for a slow idle […]

Coopersville Farm Museum Meet

Coopersville Farm and Museum 375 Main St, Coopersville, MI, United States

The meet is held indoors at the Coopersville Farm Museum Annual Wolverine Chapter Business Meeting. Pot luck lunch so bring something to pass. Contact Carol Soderstrom (269-330-4400) for food coordination. Meet Type: Dry Swap Display Contacts:  Bill Shattuck wgshattu@gmail.com 616-510-8673

Killingsworth Park Meet

Killingsworth Park 2807 Chandler Rd., Traverse City, MI, United States

Killingsworth Park near Traverse City MI Large Park with a Pavilion and bathroom. Bring your own chairs. Bring motors and parts to show and swap. On your own for lunch but there is a restaurant and store a quarter mile away. Meet Type: Dry Swap Display Contacts:  Kent VanEmst 231-386-7834 klvanemst1@gmail.com Ken Robinson 231-929-9544 fullgarages@chartermi.com

Grand River Park Meet

East Grand River Park 6 South Beechtree St, Grand Haven, MI, United States

East Grand River Park is located at the far eastern end of Franklin Street, turning north on Eastern to enter the park. There is side street parking available if the lot becomes too congested. Lunch will be provided Meet Type: Wet Contacts:  Jim Nienhouse 616-402-6094 wnienhouse@gmail.com

Spring Lake Meet

Spring Lake Millpoint Park 612 W. Savidge St, Spring Lake, MI, United States

This meet is held in conjunction with the Spring Lake Antique and Classic Boat Show which is associated with the Spring Lake Heritage Festival. Restrooms on site. Food available nearby. How slow can you idle contest. This show brings lots of visitors so bring your most interesting stuff and be prepared to talk vintage outboards. […]

Felix’s Meet

Felix's Place 14023 Green St, Grand Haven, MI, United States

This meet is held at the former location of Felix's Place along the Grand River east of Grand Haven, MI There is a pit toilet on site. Food including great pizza is available at a WESCO gas station west of the site. There is a ramp for launching your small boat into the Grand River […]

Stony Lake Meet

Benona TWP Swimming Beach 4810 Scenic Dr., Shelby, MI, United States

This meet will be held at the Benona Township Swimming Beach on Stony Lake. There is no launch ramp at the swimming beach but light boats can be carried or dragged to the shoreline of Stony Lake. There is a launch ramp about a mile away at Stony Lake County Park but it is steep […]

Bear Lake Meet

Horton Park 1405 Glenwood Ave., Muskegon, MI, United States

The meet is held at Horton Park on Bear Lake There is a nice ramp and sandy beach for mooring you boats. Bear lake is very nice for small boats. Bring your own chairs, drinks, and food. Meet Type: Wet Swap Display Contacts:  Jim Brizzolara 616-364-9258 jimbrizzolara@comcast.net

Felix’s fall meet

Felix's Place 14023 Green St, Grand Haven, MI, United States

Former location of Felix's Place east of Grand Haven along the Grand River at the entrance to Stearn's Bayou There is a launch ramp providing access to the Grand River and Stearn's Bayou. There is a bathroom on site. There will be a run barrel for a slow idle contest. Great pizza can be ordered […]

Bathrick Meet

Bathrick Marine 500 W Broadway Ave #11, Muskegon, MI, United States

The meet is held in the Bathrick Marine Showroom. Food will be provided with a donation. Bring your own chairs. There is a test tank to use for a slow idle contest. Meet Type: Dry Swap Display Contacts:  Bill Shattuck 616-510-8673 wgshattu@gmail.com