Home Forum Ask A Member Best Way To Clean Years Of Sludge From Fuel Tank?

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  • #282592

      US Member

      Glad to see that you were able to get your tank clean. Be careful using acid on aluminum as it’s very corrosive. I do use it in a controlled manner for cleaning out the oxidation in cylinder head water jackets, and a few other applications.

      The Por-15 is usually used on steel tanks with holes in them. Your two-piece cast aluminum tank might be the most rugged outboard tank ever made. If it develops a leak, the leak would likely be at the seam. The fix for a leaky seam is to disassemble the tank halves and reseal it.

      Save the Por for a steel tank. Just an opinion. Good luck with the TD-20!


      1 user thanked author for this post.
      John Gragg

        US Member

        Glad to see that you were able to get your tank clean. Be careful using acid on aluminum as it’s very corrosive. I do use it in a controlled manner for cleaning out the oxidation in cylinder head water jackets, and a few other applications.

        The Por-15 is usually used on steel tanks with holes in them. Your two-piece cast aluminum tank might be the most rugged outboard tank ever made. If it develops a leak, the leak would likely be at the seam. The fix for a leaky seam is to disassemble the tank halves and reseal it.

        Save the Por for a steel tank. Just an opinion. Good luck with the TD-20!


        Thanks for the advice.  Makes sense. So u actually developed a tiny leak at the seam when I 1st shook the tank before I opened the vent. I tried separating the halves after removing all the screws, but it wouldn’t budge. Didn’t want to make things worse, so I put it back together. Eventually I will want to separate the 2 halves and reseal.  But I can’t figure out how without further damaging the tank. Maybe a heat gun along the seam?

        Best Regards

        John Gragg
        RIverside, CA

        Just starting in the hobby, please be patient.

        48 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
        49 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
        48 Johnson TD20
        49 Johnson TD20
        54 Johnson QD15
        55 Johnson CD12
        57 Johnson RJE-19M
        57 Johnson RDE-19


          US Member

          Heat along the seam and glancing blows from a rubber mallet should separate the halves.

          Filling up the tank with piping hot water may help.

          John Gragg

            US Member

            Heat along the seam and glancing blows from a rubber mallet should separate the halves.

            Filling up the tank with piping hot water may help.

            The hot water is a great idea! Thx. I was also thinking about some sort of an air or water bladder put inside to gently lift the two apart.  Need to research a bit, we’ll see…



            Best Regards

            John Gragg
            RIverside, CA

            Just starting in the hobby, please be patient.

            48 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
            49 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
            48 Johnson TD20
            49 Johnson TD20
            54 Johnson QD15
            55 Johnson CD12
            57 Johnson RJE-19M
            57 Johnson RDE-19


              Presently my procedure of choice for aluminum tanks
              is to fill them as much as possible with 50/50 Zep
              Purple Cleaner and Degreaser, and water.
              It has some mild acid in it so it dissolves any corrosion
              in an aluminum tank resulting from moisture over years
              of them resting. I wait till its pretty much done foaming
              and dump most of it out.
              Keeping with the duck tape & bailing wire solutions my
              Boat House is equipped for, I have “Engineered!!!!!”an
              alternative to the shake shake shake.
              Video link – https://youtu.be/-cQ5c3Z5GGg

              A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


                US Member

                Tubs, I like your “Flex brush”!

                Prepare to be boarded!


                  Canada Member - 2 Years

                  what ???? no colonoscopy pictures inside the tank ??

                  Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


                    My scope is old tech. Doesn’t save images for
                    transfer and the image doesn’t photograph well.
                    Best I can do.

                    A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


                      Canada Member - 2 Years

                      looks good 🙂

                      Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


                        US Member - 2 Years

                        Yhere is also a voltage use results.Positive to one ebd (tank frame) & negative to habging metal & all contaminates go to metal hanging in the tank water. Sorry I forget the details. Help.

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