Home Forum Ask A Member British Seagull exhaust

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  • #185915

      I am working on a Century model Seagull , but this question has to do with most Seagull outboards. Common on these motors are the two small holes in the aluminum exhaust tube to allow a pressure reduction while starting. I am replacing the pitted tube on my seagull with one that has no holes,and before drilling, I got to wondering , Why are there TWO holes ? why not one slightly larger? and is the placement important? I contacted John at his SOS site and he guesses that perhaps two holes allowed less noise than one . Any other thoughts?


        Lifetime Member

        I agree with John. The design of exhaust systems, like pipe organ design, has many factors affecting volume and tone. Total silence is nice, but some frequencies are better tolerated than others. High end Electric Automobiles give you a choice of exhaust sounds. What would you like to hear when you are put on hold while their associates are busy assisting previous callers . . .

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