Online Rules

Treat others how you wish to be treated!


  1. This is a member only board – it will not be moderated on a regular basis.
  2. Please keep topics within the realm of old iron and related subjects
  3. Do not use this board for buying or selling.
  4. Typing messages in ALL CAPS IS CONSIDERED SHOUTING.   Be aware of inadvertent SHOUTING.
  5. Respect others’ privacy. Please don’t share emails addresses of members with non-members unless that member has indicated it’s OK to do so.


These violations pertain to those threads that are highly offensive, flaming other members, or blatantly ignoring the rules set forth.

  1. First Violation – warning, removal of post
  2. Second Violation – Email warning, removal of post
  3. Third Violation – 30-day removal of AOMCI Inner Sanctum privileges, email, and removal of post
  4. Fourth Violation – 6-month removal of AOMCI Inner Sanctum privileges, email, and removal of post
  5. Fifth Violation – up to Executive Council decision